Basic usage
Applying an SLD to a layer as a style function
* @param {object} vector layer
* @param {string} text the xml text
* apply sld
function applySLD(vectorLayer, text) {
const sldObject = SLDReader.Reader(text);
const sldLayer = SLDReader.getLayer(sldObject);
const style = SLDReader.getStyle(sldLayer, 'bestuurlijkegrenzen:provincies');
const featureTypeStyle = style.featuretypestyles[0];
const viewProjection = map.getView().getProjection();
vectorLayer.setStyle(SLDReader.createOlStyleFunction(featureTypeStyle, {
// Use the convertResolution option to calculate a more accurate resolution.
convertResolution: viewResolution => {
const viewCenter = map.getView().getCenter();
return ol.proj.getPointResolution(viewProjection, viewResolution, viewCenter);
// If you use point icons with an ExternalGraphic, you have to use imageLoadCallback
// to update the vector layer when an image finishes loading.
// If you do not do this, the image will only be visible after next layer pan/zoom.
imageLoadedCallback: () => {
const vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
format: new ol.format.GeoJSON(),
url: 'assets/provincies.json',
strategy: ol.loadingstrategy.bbox,
const vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: vectorSource,
style: new{
stroke: new{
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)',
width: 2,
applySLD(vectorLayer, mySLDString);
Extracting static OpenLayers styles for a specific geometry type from an SLD rule
const sldObject = SLDReader.Reader(sldXml);
const sldLayer = SLDReader.getLayer(sldObject);
const style = SLDReader.getStyle(sldLayer);
const featureTypeStyle = style.featuretypestyles[0];
// There can be more than one symbolizer of a given type inside a style rule,
// therefore getOlStyle always returns an array of OpenLayers style instances.
// Valid geometry types are 'Point', 'LineString', and 'Polygon'.
const lineStyles = SLDReader.createOlStyle(featureTypeStyle.rules[0], 'LineString');
- Reader/filter
Factory methods for filterelements
- Reader/index
- categorizeSymbolizers(rules) ⇒
Get styling from rules per geometry type
- registerFunction(functionName, implementation)
Register a function implementation by name. When evaluating the function, it will be called with the values of the parameter elements evaluated for a single feature. If the function returns null, the fallback value given in the SLD function element will be used instead.
Note: take care of these possible gotcha's in the function implementation.
- The function will be called with the number of parameters given in the SLD function element. This number can be different from the expected number of arguments.
- Try to avoid throwing errors from the function implementation and return null if possible.
- Literal values will always be provided as strings. Convert numeric parameters to numbers yourself.
- Geometry valued parameters will be provided as OpenLayers geometry instances. Do not mutate these!
- getFunction(functionName) ⇒
Get a function implementation by name.
- clearFunctionCache()
Clear the function cache.
- createOlStyleFunction(featureTypeStyle, options) ⇒
Create an OpenLayers style function from a FeatureTypeStyle object extracted from an SLD document.
Important! When using externalGraphics for point styling, make sure to call .changed() on the layer inside options.imageLoadedCallback to immediately see the loaded image. If you do not do this, the image icon will only become visible the next time OpenLayers draws the layer (after pan or zoom).
- createOlStyle(styleRule, geometryType) ⇒
Create an array of OpenLayers style instances for features with the chosen geometry type from a style rule. Since this function creates a static OpenLayers style and not a style function, usage of this function is only suitable for simple symbolizers that do not depend on feature properties and do not contain external graphics. External graphic marks will be shown as a grey circle instead.
- getLayerNames(sld) ⇒
get all layer names in sld
- getLayer(sld, [layername]) ⇒
Get layer definition from sld
- getStyleNames(layer) ⇒
getStyleNames, notice name is not required for userstyle, you might get undefined
- getStyle(layer, [name]) ⇒
get style from array layer.styles, if name is undefined it returns default style. null is no style found
- getRules(featureTypeStyle, feature, resolution) ⇒
get rules for specific feature after applying filters
- getRuleSymbolizers(rule) ⇒
Get all symbolizers inside a given rule. Note: this will be a mix of Point/Line/Polygon/Text symbolizers.
- CategorizedSymbolizers
contains for each geometry type the symbolizer from an array of rules
- Expression
Modeled after SvgParameterType. Can be either a primitive value (string,integer,boolean), or an object with these properties:
- Filter
filter operators, see also geoserver
- StyledLayerDescriptor
a typedef for StyledLayerDescriptor xsd
- Layer
a typedef for Layer, the actual style object for a single layer
- FeatureTypeStyle
a typedef for FeatureTypeStyle: xsd
- Rule
a typedef for Rule to match a feature: xsd
- PolygonSymbolizer
a typedef for PolygonSymbolizer, see also geoserver docs
- LineSymbolizer
a typedef for LineSymbolizer, see also geoserver docs
- PointSymbolizer
a typedef for PointSymbolizer xsd & geoserver docs
Factory methods for filterelements
module.exports(element) ⇒ Filter
Factory root filter element
Kind: Exported function
Param | Type |
element | Element |
module.exports(sld) ⇒ StyledLayerDescriptor
Creates a object from an sld xml string,
Kind: Exported function
Returns: StyledLayerDescriptor
- object representing sld style
Param | Type | Description |
sld | string | xml string |
categorizeSymbolizers(rules) ⇒ CategorizedSymbolizers
Get styling from rules per geometry type
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
rules | Array.<Rule> | [description] |
registerFunction(functionName, implementation)
Register a function implementation by name. When evaluating the function, it will be called with the values of the parameter elements evaluated for a single feature. If the function returns null, the fallback value given in the SLD function element will be used instead.
Note: take care of these possible gotcha’s in the function implementation.
- The function will be called with the number of parameters given in the SLD function element. This number can be different from the expected number of arguments.
- Try to avoid throwing errors from the function implementation and return null if possible.
- Literal values will always be provided as strings. Convert numeric parameters to numbers yourself.
- Geometry valued parameters will be provided as OpenLayers geometry instances. Do not mutate these!
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
functionName | string | Function name. |
implementation | function | The function implementation. |
getFunction(functionName) ⇒ function
Get a function implementation by name.
Kind: global function
Returns: function
- The function implementation, or null if no function with the given name has been registered yet.
Param | Type | Description |
functionName | string | Function name. |
Clear the function cache.
createOlStyleFunction(featureTypeStyle, options) ⇒ function
Create an OpenLayers style function from a FeatureTypeStyle object extracted from an SLD document.
Important! When using externalGraphics for point styling, make sure to call .changed() on the layer inside options.imageLoadedCallback to immediately see the loaded image. If you do not do this, the image icon will only become visible the next time OpenLayers draws the layer (after pan or zoom).
Kind: global function
Returns: function
- A function that can be set as style function on an OpenLayers vector style layer.
Param | Type | Description |
featureTypeStyle | FeatureTypeStyle | Feature Type Style object. |
options | object | Options |
options.convertResolution | function | An optional function to convert the resolution in map units/pixel to resolution in meters/pixel. When not given, the map resolution is used as-is. |
options.imageLoadedCallback | function | Optional callback that will be called with the url of an externalGraphic when an image has been loaded (successfully or not). Call .changed() inside the callback on the layer to see the loaded image. |
options.getProperty | function | Optional custom property getter: (feature, propertyName) => property value. |
myOlVectorLayer.setStyle(SLDReader.createOlStyleFunction(featureTypeStyle, {
imageLoadedCallback: () => { myOlVectorLayer.changed(); }
createOlStyle(styleRule, geometryType) ⇒ Array.<ol.Style>
Create an array of OpenLayers style instances for features with the chosen geometry type from a style rule. Since this function creates a static OpenLayers style and not a style function, usage of this function is only suitable for simple symbolizers that do not depend on feature properties and do not contain external graphics. External graphic marks will be shown as a grey circle instead.
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<ol.Style>
- An array of OpenLayers style instances.
Param | Type | Description |
styleRule | StyleRule | Feature Type Style Rule object. |
geometryType | string | One of ‘Point’, ‘LineString’ or ‘Polygon’ |
myOlVectorLayer.setStyle(SLDReader.createOlStyle(featureTypeStyle.rules[0], 'Point');
getLayerNames(sld) ⇒ Array.<string>
get all layer names in sld
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<string>
- registered layernames
Param | Type |
sld | StyledLayerDescriptor |
getLayer(sld, [layername]) ⇒ Layer
Get layer definition from sld
Kind: global function
Returns: Layer
- [description]
Param | Type | Description |
sld | StyledLayerDescriptor | [description] |
[layername] | string | optional layername |
getStyleNames(layer) ⇒ Array.<string>
getStyleNames, notice name is not required for userstyle, you might get undefined
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<string>
- [description]
Param | Type | Description |
layer | Layer | [description] |
getStyle(layer, [name]) ⇒ object
get style from array layer.styles, if name is undefined it returns default style. null is no style found
Kind: global function
Returns: object
- the style from layer.styles matching the name
Param | Type | Description |
layer | Layer | [description] |
[name] | string | of style. If not given, the style marked as default will be returned. If there is no default style, the first one will be returned. |
getRules(featureTypeStyle, feature, resolution) ⇒ Array.<Rule>
get rules for specific feature after applying filters
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
featureTypeStyle | FeatureTypeStyle | |
feature | object | geojson |
resolution | number | m/px |
options.getProperty | function | An optional function with parameters (feature, propertyName) that can be used to extract a property value from a feature. When not given, properties are read from directly.Error |
options.getFeatureId | function | An optional function to extract the feature id from a feature.Error When not given, feature id is read from |
const style = getStyle(sldLayer, stylename);
getRules(style.featuretypestyles['0'], geojson, resolution);
getRuleSymbolizers(rule) ⇒ Array.<object>
Get all symbolizers inside a given rule. Note: this will be a mix of Point/Line/Polygon/Text symbolizers.
Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<object>
- Array of all symbolizers in a rule.
Param | Type | Description |
rule | object | SLD rule object. |
contains for each geometry type the symbolizer from an array of rules
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
polygonSymbolizers | Array.<PolygonSymbolizer> | polygonsymbolizers |
lineSymbolizers | Array.<LineSymbolizer> | linesymbolizers |
pointSymbolizers | Array.<PointSymbolizer> | pointsymbolizers, same as graphic prop from PointSymbolizer |
textSymbolizers | Array.<TextSymbolizer> | textsymbolizers |
Modeled after SvgParameterType. Can be either a primitive value (string,integer,boolean), or an object with these properties:
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | One of ‘literal’, ‘propertyname’, or ‘function’. |
[typeHint] | string | Optional type hint, used when evaluating the expression. Defaults to ‘string’. Can be ‘number’. |
[value] | any | The primitive type representing the value of a literal expresion, or a string representing the name of a propertyname expression . |
[name] | string | Required for function expressions. Contains the function name. |
[fallbackValue] | any | Optional fallback value when function evaluation returns null. |
[params] | Array.<Expression> | Required array of function parameters for function expressions. |
filter operators, see also geoserver
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | Can be ‘comparison’, ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘not’, or ‘featureid’. |
[fids] | Array.<string> | An array of feature id’s. Required for type=’featureid’. |
[operator] | string | Required for type=’comparison’. Can be one of ‘propertyisequalto’, ‘propertyisnotequalto’, ‘propertyislessthan’, ‘propertyislessthanorequalto’, ‘propertyisgreaterthan’, ‘propertyisgreaterthanorequalto’, ‘propertyislike’, ‘propertyisbetween’ ‘propertyisnull’ |
[predicates] | Array.<Filter> | Required for type=’and’ or type=’or’. An array of filter predicates that must all evaluate to true for ‘and’, or for which at least one must evaluate to true for ‘or’. |
[predicate] | Filter | Required for type=’not’. A single predicate to negate. |
[expression1] | Expression | First expression required for boolean comparison filters. |
[expression2] | Expression | Second expression required for boolean comparison filters. |
[expression] | Expression | Expression required for unary comparison filters. |
[lowerboundary] | Expression | Lower boundary expression, required for operator=’propertyisbetween’. |
[upperboundary] | Expression | Upper boundary expression, required for operator=’propertyisbetween’. |
[wildcard] | string | Required wildcard character for operator=’propertyislike’. |
[singlechar] | string | Required single char match character, required for operator=’propertyislike’. |
[escapechar] | string | Required escape character for operator=’propertyislike’. |
a typedef for StyledLayerDescriptor xsd
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
version | string | sld version |
layers | Array.<Layer> | info extracted from NamedLayer element |
a typedef for Layer, the actual style object for a single layer
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | layer name |
styles | Array.<Object> | See explanation at Geoserver docs |
styles[].default | Boolean | |
[styles[].name] | String | |
styles[].featuretypestyles | Array.<FeatureTypeStyle> | Geoserver will draw multiple, libraries as openlayers can only use one definition! |
a typedef for FeatureTypeStyle: xsd
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type |
rules | Array.<Rule> |
a typedef for Rule to match a feature: xsd
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | rule name |
[filter] | Filter | Optional filter expression for the rule. |
[elsefilter] | boolean | Set this to true when rule has no filter expression to catch everything not passing any other filter. |
[minscaledenominator] | integer | |
[maxscaledenominator] | integer | |
[polygonsymbolizer] | PolygonSymbolizer | |
[linesymbolizer] | LineSymbolizer | |
[pointsymbolizer] | PointSymbolizer |
a typedef for PolygonSymbolizer, see also geoserver docs
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
fill | Object | |
fill.styling | Object.<Expression> | one object per SvgParameter with props name (camelCased) |
stroke | Object | |
stroke.styling | Object.<Expression> | with camelcased name & value |
a typedef for LineSymbolizer, see also geoserver docs
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type | Description |
stroke | Object | |
stroke.styling | Object.<Expression> | one object per SvgParameter with props name (camelCased) |
graphicstroke | Object | |
graphicstroke.graphic | Object | |
graphicstroke.graphic.mark | Object | |
graphicstroke.graphic.mark.wellknownname | string | |
graphicstroke.graphic.mark.fill | Object | |
graphicstroke.graphic.mark.stroke | Object | |
graphicstroke.graphic.opacity | Number | |
graphicstroke.graphic.size | Number | |
graphicstroke.graphic.rotation | Number |
a typedef for PointSymbolizer xsd & geoserver docs
Kind: global typedef
Name | Type |
graphic | Object |
graphic.externalgraphic | Object |
graphic.externalgraphic.onlineresource | string |
graphic.mark | Object |
graphic.mark.wellknownname | string |
graphic.mark.fill | Object |
graphic.mark.stroke | Object |
graphic.opacity | Number |
graphic.size | Expression |
graphic.rotation | Expression |